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Федун Ольга Олександрівна

Рейтинг: 10
Сагула Дар`я Валеріївна

Рейтинг: 10
Галик Василь Богданович

Рейтинг: 10
O. Norbert.

Рейтинг: 16
Федорова Лідія Юріївна

Рейтинг: 21.1
Євген Володимирович

Рейтинг: 111.4

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Контрольна робота

Варіант ІІІ «Ж-З-І»
I. Письмово перекладіть текст. <br /><br /> THE BILL OF RIGHTS - TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD
In addition to providing protection by ensuring a separation of powers within the government, the Constitution also controls the operations of the criminal justice system. It does this by quarantining individual freedoms in the 10 amendments added to it on December 15, 1791, which are collectively known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to prevent any future government from usurping the personal freedom of citizens.
In its original form, the Constitution contained few specific guarantees of individual rights. The Founders aware of the past abuses perpetrated by the British government, wanted to ensure that the rights of the citizens of the USA would safe in the future. The Bill of Rights was adopted only to protect individual liberties from being abused by the national government however, and did not apply to the actions of state or local officials. This oversight resulted in abuses that have been rectified only with great difficulty and even today remain the subject of court action Over the last 4 decades the US Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution has served as the basis for the creation of legal rights of the accused.
The principles that govern criminal procedure are required by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Of primary concern are the 4-th, 5-th, 6-th and 8-th Amendments, which limit and control the manner in which the federal government operates the justice system.
In addition, the due process clause of the 14-th Amendment governmental action against the accused on a state level. Because these key amendments furnish the basis for US system of criminal procedure, they are examined carefully.
IІ. Дайте відповідь на запитання
1) When were 10 amendments added to constitution?
2) What was Bill of Rights adopted for?
3) What does limit and control the manners in which the federal government operates the justice system?
IІІ. Перепешіть дат речения в PASSIVE VOICE
1) When we first met they had already offered me a job.
2) She showed the visitors the new picture.
3) Someone asked a student a very difficult question.
4) We must look into the matter.
IV. Складіть речения з даними словами. То furnish; liberty; concern; to provide.
V. Bизначтe в даних реченнях часову форму дієслова.
1) I had not understand what you were driving at.
2) I do not consider that you have acted wisely.
3) It is a pity that he cannot govern his temper.
4) The dispute was not decided by the evening.
VI. Складіть з даних слів речення зберігаючи порядок слів.
1) \ die \ better \ than \ live \ standing \ kneeling \
2) \ slow \ to promise \ be \ to perform \ and \ quick\
3) than \ blood \ is \ thicker \ water \
VІІ. 3найдіть помилки в речениях.
1) I am remembering you.
2) What do you doing now?
3) They is not expected us now.
VIІІ. Перекладіть
1) Many times during the trial the lawyers may make objections to evidence presented by the other side or to questions asked by the other lawyer.
2) Lawyers are allowed to object to these the laws of evidence. It is up to the judge to decide whether each objection was valid or invalid and whether, therefore, the evidence can be admitted or the question allowed.


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Вікторія Петрівна ID:74
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Ольга ID:184
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Юлія Олександрівна ID:197
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Стороженко Андрій Юрійович ID:1255
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  • Группа: Автори робіт
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Олександр ID:104
  • Стать:Мужчина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
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Nayka Nayka 546
Светлана ID:235
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  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:немає
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