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Often, the terms sex difference and gender difference are used interchangeably. This collapsing of terms is somewhat in error. Specifically, sex differences refer to biological differences between men and women. Gender differences, on the other hand, refer to social expectations and stereotypes attributed to men and women by virtue of the biological sex. Similarly, the terms man and woman should be used when referring to sex differences and masculine and feminine are the applicable terms when referring to gender differences. Finally, although the concepts of sex and gender are different, gender is implicitly influenced by sex (Canary and Emmers-Sommer 1997).
Gender Differences and Similarities in Couple Communication
Much of the literature in popular culture leads one to believe that men and women are truly quite different in terms of their emotional experiences and their communication of those experiences. According to John Gray (1992), author of “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus”, men and women differ in their experience of emotions and their communication of them. Gray, however, is not an academic, and his work is not based on empirical research.
Indeed, much of the empirical scholarship on sex and gender differences indicates quite the Empirical studies on sex and gender differences indicate that men and women are more similar than they are different in terms of communicating in their close, personal relationships. Specifically, it shows that men and women are more similar than they are different in terms of communicating in their close, personal relationships (Canary and Emmers-Sommer 1997). Although some differences do exist, they are not substantial enough to declare that the sexes or genders are significantly different. Many of the so-called differences in the sex and gender literature are related more to flaws in the studies themselves, such as errors in recollection in self-report studies, or individuals' reports that are affected by social desirability. Specifically, social desirability refers to an individual reporting what he or she thinks others would find acceptable, rather than what actually may be the truth. Within the context of gender differences, this would account for men and women reporting what they stereotypically believe men and women should do from a social expectation standpoint versus what they actually do.
Research on communication in close, personal relationships suggests that men and women are more similar than they are different. Nevertheless, some differences do exist between men and women. Many of the differences surface within the contexts of conflict or household chores. For example, in their extensive examination of the sex and gender literature, Dan Canary and Tara Emmers-Sommer (1997) offered the following conclusions regarding sex and gender differences. First, women, compared to men, express a greater range of emotions, such as sadness, fear, love, happiness, and anger. Women are also more inclined than men to disclose personal information, such as their personal opinion or details of their personal history. Compared to men, women are more likely to use touch to convey feelings of closeness; these feelings could be sexual in nature, but not necessarily. Interestingly, women are more likely to exercise power strategies than men. Compared to men, women are more likely to engage in manipulative behaviours and to exercise negative and confrontational conflict behaviours. Finally, women are more likely than men to enact self-disclosure behaviours, engage in loyalty toward their partner and relationship, and enact task-sharing in an effort to maintain their relationship. The authors also found that women, even in dual-career couples, tend to do the lion's share of the household chores and childrearing duties. Thus, some differences do exist between men and women; however, the extensive literature on sex and gender differences indicates that the differences are far outweighed by the similarities.
Interestingly, however, some of the subtle differences that do exist contribute in a noteworthy fashion to how men and women manage their relationships, particularly issues of contention and conflict. According to John Gottman (1994), both sex (physiological) and gender (sociological) differences are exhibited in couple conflict. Similarly, men's and women's adherence to particular gender role and relational ideologies relates to their responses during conflict.


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Топ 10 авторів
lessonz lessonz 4275
В'ячеслав ID:217
  • Стать:Мужчина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 4275
  • Зареєстрований: 07.07.2011
vipbond vipbond 3761
Вікторія Петрівна ID:74
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 3761
  • Зареєстрований: 09.01.2011
k_alena k_alena 2317
Елена ID:565
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:немає
  • Робіт додано: 2317
  • Зареєстрований: 11.07.2012
Ангелина Ангелина 2138
Ангелина ID:213
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 2138
  • Зареєстрований: 05.07.2011
olga olga 1466
Ольга ID:184
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Продавці
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 1466
  • Зареєстрований: 03.06.2011
uliya uliya 1449
Юлія Олександрівна ID:197
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 1449
  • Зареєстрований: 19.06.2011
FPM-2007 FPM-2007 1023
Стороженко Андрій Юрійович ID:1255
  • Стать:Мужчина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 1023
  • Зареєстрований: 17.08.2014
Viktor Viktor 918
Віктор ID:273
  • Стать:Мужчина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 918
  • Зареєстрований: 26.09.2011
mars1814 mars1814 868
Олександр ID:104
  • Стать:Мужчина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:є
  • Робіт додано: 868
  • Зареєстрований: 16.02.2011
Nayka Nayka 546
Светлана ID:235
  • Стать:Женщина
  • Группа: Автори робіт
  • Портфоліо:немає
  • Робіт додано: 546
  • Зареєстрований: 27.07.2011

Онлайн всего: 22
Гостей: 22
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